Anr College Group

Co-operative Stores

A.N.R. College Students’ Co-operative Stores Ltd.
No. Y 166, Gudivada

The Akkineni Nageswara Rao College Students’ Co-Operative Stores Ltd.(No.Y 166) was registered as a Co-Operative Society in 1964. The objects of the society are:

  • (a) The encouragement of thrift and self help.
  • (b) The purchase of books, stationary and other articles required by members.
  • (c) The carrying on of business for the common benefit of the members of the society

All the students and members of the staff are shareholders of the stores. Students pay a nominal fee of Rs.3/-. The staff members need to pay a membership fee which changed from the original Rs.10/- to the present membership fee of Rs.400/- as per the Co-Operative Societies Act. Those who pay this membership fee become ‘A’ Class Members in the General Body.

The stores elect the following Board of Directors from the members as per the schedule given by the Registrar of Co-Operative Societies.

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Three Members elected by ‘A’ Class Members from among themselves.

The tenure of the members of the board of directors is five years. The liability of the stores is limited to the Board of Directors.

The Stores is maintained by the board members without any remuneration or honorarium and they look after all the administrative matters. The Board of Directors meet at regular intervals to review the functioning of the stores. Every year Financial Audit is done by the Co-Operative auditors which fall under ‘B’ Class. The chief items sold by the stores are:

  • Notebooks
  • Practical record books
  • Computer sheets
  • Writing material scales, pens, pencils

All these items are sold at the lowest possible rate and the Board of Directors take every measure to pass on the benefit to the student members. The interaction with the students is on a very friendly manner and creates a very healthy co-operative environment.

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