Anr College Group

Mentor-Mentee System


  • Provide academic guidance and support to help mentees excel in their course work.
  • Assist with course selection, study strategies, and time management to improve academic performance.
  • Foster personal growth by offering mentorship on life skills, decision-making, and goal setting.
  • Address personal challenges and enhance mentees' self-confidence and self-awareness.
  • Offer guidance on career exploration, internships, job applications, and resume-building.
  • Assist mentees in aligning their academic pursuits with their career aspirations.
  • Empower mentees to advocate for themselves, seek help when needed, and take responsibility for their own learning and development.
  • Equip mentees with the skills and mind set for lifelong learning and success in their careers and personal lives.
  • Continuously evaluate and refine the mentor-mentee program based on feedback and changing student needs.


Mentor-Mentee system formally known as Tutor Ward Counseling is a procedure through which personal care is taken and guidance is given to mentees to enable them to improve their academic performance. Though this is a continuous process in our ancient Gurukula system of education, the same method is now implemented in the present educational system as Mentor-Mentee System. The Mentor-Mentee system in our college has been strengthened over the years and works systematically and effectively. Mentor-Mentee Committee is constituted every year under the chairmanship of the Principal, two senior faculty members one from arts & commerce and one from science stream as the convenors. Under the Chairmanship of the Principal the committee meets with concerned Mentors to discuss the matters like Insufficient Attendance, Low Pass Percentage, and Remedial Coaching for slow learners. The main objective of this system is to improve the academic standards of the degree students through continuous follow up by their respective Mentors. If a Mentee is weak in his/her attendance or in academic performance, the same will be informed to his/her parents. The weak Mentees are asked to bring their parents to discuss about their performance. The timely intimation about the performance of a particular Mentee to his/her parent results in taking appropriate measures to improve his/her performance in the later period.

College is a very unique place in a student's life. In an era of rising academic standards counseling suggests new ways to help students to thrive in the face of adversity. Some students will face life challenges such as stress, academic difficulties, relationship issues, etc., that if dealt appropriately, can facilitate emotional growth & maturity. The total of the college is to promote greater wellbeing among the student population.



  • Meet all mentors of his/her department at least once a month of review the proper implementation of the system
  • Advice mentors wherever necessary
  • Initiate administrative action on a student when necessary
  • Keep the head of the institute informed
  • To contact the parents/guardians of the students in case of their academic irregularities, behaviouralchanges, etc., through the Head of the Institute.
  • To advise the students in matters of their career.


  • Meet all mentors at least once a month to review the proper implementation of the system Advise mentors wherever necessary.
  • Initiate an administrative action on a student whenever necessary.
  • Contact the parents/guardians of the students in case of their academic irregularities, behavioural changes, etc., through the Head of the Institution.
  • Advise the students in their matters of career.


A wise and trusted person whose primary purpose is to teach, guide, provide advice and support to, and watch over and foster the progress of a mentee


  • Meet the group of students at least in a semester
  • Continuously monitor, counsel, guide and motivate the students in all academic matters.
  • Advise students regarding choice of electives, project, summer training etc.
  • Contact parents or guardians of situation demands e.g. academic irregularities negative behavioural changes and interpersonal relations, detrimental activities etc.
  • Advise students in their career development professional guidance.
  • Maintain contact with the students even after their graduation.
  • Maintain a detailed progressive record of the student
  • Maintain a brief record of all discussions with students.


An individual who is guided by a mentor, in this context, an individual who would like to have an established venue management veteran work with him or her to gain a better knowledge of the industry.

Benefits to a Mentee

  • Learning and Skill Development
  • Guidance and support
  • Net working
  • Career advance
  • Increased confidence
  • Accountability
  • Long term relationship

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